We took another day trip out of Guanajuato to the city of León about 40 miles up the road we came in on. It’s the 5th largest city in Mexico. And it is one of the most modern looking (read – looks like being in the US) towns we’ve been to. León was founded in 1575 – but little remains of that time. We saw the many contrasts that exist in the city, beautiful colonial buildings next to modern architecture. Lots of wide boulevards. Coming into the town we were on a wide four-lane divided street full of US stores and restaurants. If some one just dropped you on the street you would have thought you were in the southwestern US somewhere.
As we continued towards the central older part of town we passed one of the biggest Cathedrals we’ve seen. And it is quite new and amazing looking. Its full name is the Sanctuary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Construction of this temple was begun in 1920 and has continued off and on and now is considered 80% complete.

We reached the Centro Historic and parked in a lot – walking the couple of blocks to the main plaza. There were still buildings there from the 16th Century but right next to a very old building would be a modern one.

From there we walked up the narrow pedestrian street to the Cathedral. On the way we passed a Burger King and a KFC and numerous small restaurants – including an Argentine one along with the small taco stands and the Chinese restaurants. Even a Victoria’s Secret! Also saw a stained glass store with this glass piece of a Pope.

Lots of large very old paintings, lots of gold leaf columns and arches and stained glass windows. Arched ceilings and gold chandeliers. Hand painted decorations on the walls highlighted by gold leaf. It has a very peaceful feel to it. Spent quite a bit of time just looking around.
This building was across the street from the church

Walked around the block and took this picture of the church - new construction going on.

Back to the main plaza, called Martyrs Square. The shaped trees and ballons for sale.

As we were walking towards the car The Driver had an encounter with some teenage girls. They stopped him to talk to him. In both English and Spanish – I think there was a little flirting going on but he says No.

I read that over 60% of the shoes produced in Mexico are made here in León.
As we were nearing leaving one of the stores we heard loud drum beats. As we got outside we saw: a man playing the drum, one guy with a cloth and leather bulls head over his head, a woman dressed as a witch, a guy dressed as the devil who was lashing out with a bull whip and another guy dressed in black. They were dancing in the street to the drum beat. No idea what that was all about. But it was fun to watch.

One thing we noticed was the rapid transit system. The big busses have their own lanes with passenger boarding from the center of the street.
We just touched the tip of the city.
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