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We are traveling in Mexico again this winter of 2012
Our new blog is The Golden Years

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Friday, December 4, 2009

From the Pier

One of the owners of one of the beach houses was painting this mural on her street side wall. Looks really neat.
Well I changed the picture in the logo– it will have to do for now until I can get a better picture of Jennie and Willie with a nice background.
Today it got so hot I had to drag out my shorts and sleeveless shirts (and shave my legs.) Right now we have the door and windows open and there is a great breeze off the water. Skies are blue with puffy white clouds and birds are singing – how much better could it get? I see there is snow forecast for Indiana later this week. Poor babies. And it is only 22 today.
I have mentioned all the vendors who come through the campground. But I haven’t mentioned the two ladies who walk through every early evening – they have hot meals. A couple of days ago it was tamales. Yesterday it was chili rellenos – guess who chased them down and bought some – and he devoured them for dinner. Says they were delicious. Wonder what they will bring tonight? Maybe no cooking for me again. (Phooey - they didn't come last night.)
Power went out for a while today while we were gone. Learned another lesson, when the power goes out so does the satellite connection. No problem just had to reboot, so to speak, the modem and we were back up and running.
Spent some time on the pier again today. It’s always interesting to watch the boats and fishermen. Today we saw a panga tied to the end of the pier. A couple of guys were in it and seemed to be waiting. Also in it were plastic grocery bags and two crates of eggs….
Soon more men came out the pier and got in the boat. We asked what was going on. The groceries and men were being ferried out to the shrimpers in the gulf. Groceries and new crew members.
Also watched the launching of one of the pangas from the beach. Quite a complicated project – took about an hour. First a really old beat up reddish brown SUV of unknown origin drove on to the beach and then drove down about half way into the water. That got our attention. Then the driver threw it into reverse and powered backwards up the sand.
Until he got stuck. Back and forth he rocked, a couple of guys pushing him, finally got unstuck. Repeated whole process except he got further up the sand before his engine quit and he got stuck. More pushing of the truck, it started.
Back to the water, another roaring back up – this time the engine kept running and he was only a little stuck. Then one of the fishermen from one of the little boats brought a rope out. Tied it around the engine on the boat and to the back bumper of the SUV. Lots engine revving, tires spinning and sand flying. Couple of guys got behind the truck and pushed. Truck jerked forward – Rope broke. Lots of talking and gesturing going on. Hands thrown up in air and shoulders shrugged. SUV drives off beach. Boat is still way up on the sand with everyone standing around looking at it.
We walked out on the pier a ways and by the time we came back there was a newer green pickup truck on the beach. Slowly he backed up the sand. A stronger rope was tied to truck and boat. He slowly moved forward till the rope was tight, it held, then he hit the gas and drove towards the water.
The boat digging up the sand as it followed behind him.
Just before the trucks wheels touched the water he turned left along the sand. The boat continued on towards the water.
The rope was released from truck and boat. Several fishermen pushed and pulled the boat until it was pointing towards the water. The final launching process began. Again the green truck was involved. He slowly backed up to the back of the boat gently putting his bumper on the boat then pushed it into the water.
Pretty interesting to watch.
Still love to watch the boats come in too – here is one just before he hits the sand – going full tilt.
Ah – simple things amuse simple minds. Life here is much less complicated.
Just had a scare my laptop refused to do anything – but seems to be working fine now.

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